Wednesday 26 February 2014

Mini leads way with service innovation

Mini's are great  to drive and so is the customer service. I checked mine in for a service at 8.15am today at Lloyd Mini and by 9.15am, they had emailed me with a video vehicle health check. In the video, the technician helpfully explains that a tyre will be due for replacement soon. In addition to the video, a graphic shows the importance of checking your tyres. This was a nice compliment to the face to service in the showroom.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Email footers - make sure you get them right

News that MIT accidentally gave the impression to some student applicants that they had secured a place at the top American university when they had not, shows that you should always check your footer when email marketing.

Faux pas
MIT's faux pas was there result of combining two sets of contact data and not adjusting the footer so it was appropriate to both types of contact. The result was not only upset potential students but damage to it's reputation.

Avoiding trouble
It could have been easily avoided. MIT where using the cloud based email product Mailchimp which prompts you to choose the footer information when setting up the email and again gives you the opportunity to do so before sending the email. If MIT had sent tests as well as every self respecting marketing manager should, then the problem should have been spotted. All in all, it was a sloppy bit of marketing by MIT.

On brand
Most companies and organisations get it right. As ever, the footer is an opportunity to show your brand in the best light and in line with what your customers want and come to expect. Reviewing a wide range of footers shows how it's not difficult to get right. Here's a selection.

Loaf email footer

The eccentric but loveable English furniture company Loaf, get it spot on. It's simple but well designed and encourages a conversation with social media links.

The leading climbing website in the UK, UKclimbing keeps it dead simple and nothing wrong with that.

Effective design

You would expect a company working in social media to get it right and Shortstack do.

Too long

Great cruise company but this is just too long

Just right